The Methodology of Promotion in the Kingdom of God by Pastor Patience Rose

The METHODOLOGY of PROMOTION in the Kingdom 

Read Matthew 25:14-30
Promotion comes from the Lord. However, that promotion is achieved through a method and according to a system.
  • Though we may all be given different starting conditions (scarcity - abundance), it is what we do with what we are given is what matters most to God.
  • While God acknowledges that people have different starting conditions, those conditions are irrelevant to God. 
  • In God's economy he rewards people equally even though their starting point may be different.  
  • We all have the same access to Kingdom position. Our conditions do not dictate our position.  Our position however, if used properly, can change our conditions. 
  • God administers rewards and punishment alike.
  • In his parable the unproductive, lazy, non-risk taking servant was also called WICKED, removed from the potential of being productive and banished to outer darkness - a place where he could not repossess his lost ground (make up for lost time) or be redeemed.  (Similar fate as the Non-producing Fig tree).
Some added points:
Luke 14:28-30  We should count the cost to make sure we can finish what we start.
Proverbs 24:3 Enterprise is built by wise planning, strengthened by understanding & discernment, and becomes profitable by keeping knowledgeable. 

  • Educate - Education is done through providing information and opportunities to practice to become skilled.
  • Eradicate - Eradication is done through a transformation process by which faulty, inconsistent information is replaced by kiingdom intelligence to create the new paradigm.
  • Effectuate - Effectuation is completed through a process by which persistence and consistency is employed to make sure that you have become productive and that the education acquired is being maximized (utilized in every situation or circumstance).
  • Evaluate - Evaluation is conducted to assess the productivity level before giving the green light for ELEVATION. 
  • Elevate - Elevation is what occurs when this process is complete.  
 Bonus Teaching: 

9 Steps to Accomplishing Anything - An Easy to follow/teach system based on Kingdom Principles:
  • Attract - Draw it in spiritually 
  • Attach - Drag & Drop it into your soul, Delineate
  • Affirm - Decide, Declare & Defend your target accomplishment  
  • Articulate - Describe, Dictate and Denote it with clarity in writing including your potential impact, benchmarks, projected outcomes, by products and derivatives. 
  • Align - Design your life. Fit this new aspiration into your existing objectives, goals and priorities.
  • Apply it to your life. - Just Do it!
  • Assess - Define your impact and influence by evaluating the results, consequences, by products or derivatives, according to your benchmarks and projections.   
  • Associate - Designate how the derivatives will be used as resources or convert them to resources that can be used as a medium of exchange or leverage. 
  • Allocate  - Disburse the resources accordingly.


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